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Suburb Houses


Here’s a list of all the services offered. Please feel free to call and ask for further details. For all inspections, we meet or exceed the Standards of Practice adopted by the State of Ohio.

residential home inspector logo


A GHI is a non- invasive, strictly visual inspection of a home and it’s components. It involves the inspector walking the exterior and interior of the entire house all while taking notes and photographs to document the findings. The inspector checks lights and switches, operates sinks, flushes toilets and checks for the proper operation of all of the homes heating and air conditioning systems, just to name a few. For a complete list of what is included in a home inspection click here for Ohio’s full Standards of Practice.

PRICE: Starts at $375. This price will vary based on the age and square footage of the home. Please call or  click on “Schedule Now” for a specific quote.

Move in


Also called a Seller’s Inspection. This inspection is essentially the same as a GHI however, it is an inspection specifically requested by the current owner of a home who has the intention of selling. It is usually requested so that the seller can be made aware of any issues with their home BEFORE it is put on the market. This can be a great advantage to the seller because it can eliminate surprise issues when the buyer has their own inspection performed. It also allows the seller the option of repairing any reported issues before listing or simply disclosing them when negotiating the sale price of the home.

Starts at $375. This price will vary based on the age and square footage of the home. Please call or  click on “Schedule Now” for a specific quote

11th month Inspector Logo


Also called an 11th Month Warranty Inspection. New home builders usually include a 12 month warranty on a newly constructed home. As the owner of a new home, calling for an inspection in the 11th month of your warranty will allow the inspector to look for defects in materials and workmanship that may be covered. Allowing this warranty to expire after 12 months can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs that might have been repaired at the BUILDERS expense! Don’t let this happen to you. Schedule your 11th month warranty inspection today!

PRICE: $375 for homes up to 2,000 square feet. Add $25 for every additional 500 square feet. Please call or  click on “Schedule Now” for a specific quote.

radon tester internachi certified inspector


As an Ohio licensed Radon Tester, I am qualified to bring in specialized equipment to run a 48-hour test of your home’s radon level. Radon gas is colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that has been proven to cause cancer. In fact, radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Levels of radon gas can vary from house to house, even compared to the house next door! Give yourself peace of mind by scheduling this important test. For more information about radon gas see our FAQ page and visit the Ohio Dept of Health website at:

$150 for stand alone testing. $125 when ordered with a general home inspection (GHI)



Many think that termites are the only insect to worry about when it come to insects and organisms that can destroy the wood of a home. In fact, there are many more natural enemies of a home’s structure to be aware of. As an Ohio licensed Pest Inspector, I have the qualifications to give your home a complete WDO inspection. Having this inspection done can reassure you that you don’t have uninvited pests or that the previous treatment of your home for pests has been effective. Schedule your pest inspection today!

$150 for stand alone testing. $100 when ordered with a general home inspection (GHI)

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